Monday, October 22, 2007

Slidell Journal - Monday

The day of our trip finally arrived and we left before dawn brightened the sky on the big yellow school bus. Interstate 95 cooperated and it was smooth travel until we crossed the Triboro Bridge on the way to LaGuadia Airport. Our first clue that directions were going awry were the signs, straight ahead, for JKF Airport. The signs for the direct route to LaGuadia seemed to indicate that a bus was not allowed on the parkway.

So began our tour of Queens. Then Jon, native son of Queens, came to the rescue by helping the driver with routes. Finally, we stopped near a local bus for directions and were reassured that the bus could use the direct route. We were off again and quickly in front of the Delta terminal.

Judy and Peter, from Cape Cod, caught up with us at New Orlean's airport. The number one topic was the final Boston/Cleveland game. Peter has already contributed to the trip by bringing a mobile GPS to get us from one point to another. And Laura and Maureen were checking everything against a map. We are well-covered with map readers!

Monday morning has brought fairly heavy rain. As we arrived at Habitat's gathering site, everyone was hopeful that indoor work can keep us busy. But the morning is "on hold" because safety rules against being on the work sites in lightning and heavy rain. The earth is clay and does not absorb water. Instead, it sits in pools and creates a thick slippery mud. Over 30 volunteers gathered from all over the U.S. including a large group from Kraft Foods which is a major corporate sponsor for the East Tammany affilitate.

Maureen Lopes

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